Gravity and a Woman Looking for Water
dual-channel video installation | video in loop 12'46" |dimension variable
A Fall doesn’t mean a failure, and a failure doesn’t mean that you will forever fall.
But you fall.
This is a work made for the Non-EU artist collective —— vis-a-visa collective—— first exhibition:
1,2,3, Fail!
As an old Chinese saying goes,“Failure is the mother of success.” and like Samuel Beckett said “Try again, Fail again, Fail better.”, I failed at making this sentence meaningful. Because this sentence is successfully meaningful.
The worst case is failure, or, is just failure.
You failed the trick in front of your crush even if you performed 100 times successfully before.
The cake you made for 2 hours and it tastes really bad.
Application being turned down, rejected, UNFORTUNATELY.
There would be times that your failure means other’s success.
But still, we get up and try. Failure keeps us aimful.
“I can’t be failing all the time… right?”
Failure, lack of success, the neglect or omission of expected or required action.
What is failure after all?
We failed good this time.
The exhibition showcases a collective of non-EU designers and artists sharing their thoughts on the word Failure, and what and how failure could mean?
(text written by teyen hsu)